It is somewhere in the beginning of the new millennium when Jan-Harm meets a Russian man and his body language screams aggression. It is as if his veins are filled with adrenaline and he barks at Jan-Harm, demanding to know what he and his Bibles are doing on board.

Jan-Harm calmly tries to identify the reason for the aggression, aware that it is merely a symptom of something deeper.

The man is clear about it.

It is somewhere in the beginning of the new millennium when Jan-Harm meets a Russian man and his body language screams aggression. It is as if his veins are filled with adrenaline and he barks at Jan-Harm, demanding to know what he and his Bibles are doing on board. Jan-Harm calmly tries to identify the reason for the aggression, aware that it is merely a symptom of something deeper. The man is clear about it.

That man, now a diesel mechanic on board the ship, is a veteran Russian officer that previously worked behind the Iron Curtain. He is self-confident, as if he is perched on a rostrum. He tells, triumphantly, of how he prosecuted Christians. Words like "killed", "thrown overboard" are thrown about, every word a blow aimed at Jan-Harm.

So many Christians have been at Golgotha. Killed. Thrown overboard.

What moves you to pay the highest price for your faith? Surely it must be Golgotha itself? Behind the shocking images of death, the three crosses, the crown of thorns, the spear in the side, is a story of life itself. A story about an open grave.

Golgotha is a story of life. It is about death that is dead, knowing that so many have been to Golgotha and have paid the highest price.

Today, after Jan-Harm's visit to a Russian ship where he could share the Word freely, he visits a ship working under a Chinese flag. He shares Golgotha with people that have never been exposed or privileged to know about the Gospel.

Suddenly he realises that so many others provided the yeast that allowed his work today. He realises how we, here and now, are the yeast that spreads the Word of God in the world.

By supporting us with a donation, you become part of this wonderful story. Your donation will make it possible for us to share the Golgotha story with those that do not know it yet, helping them to share in Life.