The CSO exists because we are prepared and have the desire to proclaim the gospel of peace among the seamen.

We are grateful that we are not alone in this but are supported by wonderful donors. The CSO and our supporters are our shoes on our feet. Literally and in practice, we as gospel ministers wear safety boots while bringing the gospel of peace to the seamen.

Due to the coronavirus, our safety boots are now in the closet. Where I could walk around from ship to ship with the message of peace, it now stands useless and silent. There is the willingness, there is the desire, but for now it is impossible.

However, these shoes that Ephesians are talking about are the armor against the attacks of evil, these shoes that make us resistant to the cunning attacks of the devil. And we know that this war has already been won. Yes, for now it feels like the battle has been lost, but we know the war will be won.

We keep our boots ready, after all, they are made to walk because what we want to do as Paul says in Ephesians 6:15 says, "... and the willingness to preach the gospel of peace as shoes on the feet."