Thanks for the opportunity to connect.  We appreciate your time. As its getting more and more difficult to connect with our donors via the post office, we are trying our utmost to connect by other means which include email, sms and social media. Please take a moment to read our plea. 

We are all busy in this crazy rush of life and don't always get around to things we would like to do or support. We have now heard this from quite a few donors.

To make it easier for you: Would you please consider signing a debit order.  We do ALL the administration at our office and can make any changes with an email or Whatsapp or phone call from you.  The options of monthly, quarterly, every six months or annually are at your disposal. You can also choose the day of the month. 

The big advantage is, you don't have to go to the bank for it at all!

Please consider this prayerfully.  Click here to download the debit order form. Please fill it in and email it back to us and we'll do the rest! Our email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

A big thank you from every seafarer we come into contact with.

PS. If you already give on a regular basis - thank you very much.  We really appreciate it and we know you realise its importance!